Performs tests nondestructively. Just pour the indicated amount of sample at the receipt in the funnel meter and the G939 automatically starts the measurement procedure, performing temperature and weight measurements of the product to then download it into the test chamber where it will be
measure moisture.
The accuracy of the measurement of a wide range of products is guaranteed by the new self calibration function, which adjusts the measurement system before each measurement.The G939 Series enables updating and selection of calibration curves via the Internet, through the unique system created by Gehaka. The available G910 models are:
G939 IP - With compact thermal printer attached at the tester front panel.
Sixty eight are the default calibrations and up to 250 can be accommodated.
The calibration curves were obtained in the laboratory using standard methodology drying oven set on the international standards and are re-evaluated every year, considering all types of grains and seeds produced in Brazil and other countries.
It also has a new compensation algorithm to correct automatically the sample moisture due to the temperatures effects of the sample temperature and the meter.
The G939 calculate all necessary corrections and indicate at the alphanumeric display in the following readings of test sample:
• The sample moisture percentage (%U).
• Temperatures (ºC or ºF).
After each measurement the tester software generates reports that can be printed or transferred to a computer system recording of all measurement parameters, such as, sample moisture content; sample and tester temperatures; date and time; product name; sample weight; tester serial number; firmware, hardware and commodity calibration versions, according to the ISO / GLP and GMP procedures.